Q4 cold mass _First CEA-CERN Collaboration meeting_#01



Proposed agenda on first engineering Q4 cold mass assembly collaboration meeting : 1 - Introduction 2 - Concepts design on Q4 coil, collaring and yoking 3 - Status and pending design items ( both at CEA and CERN) 4 - Integration aspects on Q4 cold mass, assembly into the machine 5 - Procurement plan 6 - AOB

Q4 short model and Prototype Cold mass follow up meeting CEA-CERN (Video Conf.) – 16/03/2016 (rev 1.1)

Presents: H. Felice - HFE (CEA), D. Simon (CEA), M. Segreti (CEA), A. Foussat (CERN)

Distribution list: E. Todesco, J.M. Rifflet, F. Savary.

HFE presented the status of the recent updated short model design and the plan for procurement of 2 prototypes

1.      Short model (single aperture) yoke geometry (MQYYM) : HFE confirmed that the yoke outer diameter dimension is 614 mm for the prototype and for the series magnets. For cost saving reason, CEA proposed to use an iron tube (inner diameter = 180.80 mm outer diameter = 356 mm, no laminations) on the short model yoke (1.2 m long magnetic length) which is compatible with the stand alone Q4 collared single aperture.

Short model collar material procurement: CERN should procure the raw steel material, 3 mm thick laminations. The final shape will be achieved by wire cutting method which is more adapted to small series.  The grade of austenitic steel is not yet decided but AFT informed CEA that CERN LMF is reviewing internal stocks against the global collar material procurement needs on Hi Lumi project. The grades and strategy of collar material procurement on Q4 shall be decided by end May 2016 within CERN CEA collaboration. CEA is planning to start the procurement of the collars in April 2016 to ensure readiness of the components for the collaring stage in Spring 2017 at CERN. The collaring of the 4 coils for the short model will require the use of the vertical press in 927 (target is spring 2017). The use of this press has to be organized between CEA and CERN.

2.      Additional information on Young modulus measurement on poles: It was mentioned that there is a need according to CEA to measure under measuring press in B927 the Young modulus of the short model coil poles. This is also needed on prototype in order to define exact geometry and characterize the winding to determine final shimming during curing/collaring. As some adaptative pieces on the press would be required due to the geometry of the new 2 layers poles, some further evaluation of resources shall be done by Ezio Todesco.

3.      Quench heaters supply by CERN: The contact person for supply of short model quench heater is Juan Carlos Perez in Labo B927. Final design and specifications are not finalized and the extrapolation of the design for the long prototype and series cold masses shall be checked. Once the QH designed, the interface onto the cold mass with the QH wiring, their routing shall be discussed in view of creating the CERN Q4 cold mass assembly drawing. Those details shall be included into the CERN Q4 cold mass specification document to be prepared by September 2016.

4.      Prototype procurement plan and schedule: HFE explained the procurement plan based on European QUACO scheme which allow to launch some workpackages through some pre-commercialized (PCP) packages within a consortium (CERN, CEA, CIEMAT, NCBJ) with centralized CERN governance.

·         The provisional schedule on Q4 Prototype is to launch RFT in May 2016,

·         Start of the work in January 2017 and Prototypes delivered in Feb 2020.

·         Per Quaco,plan requirements, the final collaring or yoking structure design are not imposed and shall be finalized by the involved industries parties for approval. The QUACO consortium is presently working on how to implement in the functional spec the fact that information about interfaces toward integration and cold mass will evolve during the project.

6.      Q4 interfaces with correctors: AFT informed that the correctors (MCBYYA, B) busbars passage layout and pending change in position of HEX holes on Q4 can be finalized from mid-April once corrector responsible officer is available.

7.      AFT pointed out that the schedule of the cold mass fabrication at CERN on prototype and series shall be confirmed for next Cost and review in October 2016 based on the latest detailed coil schedule by CEA 

Actions items:

  • CERN to provide information on the collaring press to CEA so that the collar geometry can be validated. Provisional Mid-April ( to be confirmed by JCZ)
  • CEA to send to CERN the requirements of collar and iron yoke material for short model, prototype and series Q4 quadrupoles.  End March 2016
  • AOB: Next visit of CEA to CERN premises on 29 March. Expected interface meeting on young modulus press at B927
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