Minutes of TEC meeting held on 23/06/04


Present : DTOs : T. Bauswein/AT(TB), A. Desirelli/SC(AD), C. Granier/HR(CG), V. Marchal/FI(VM),

R. Menendez/ETT(RM), E. Mosselmans/IT(EM), N. Polivka/AB(NP), M. Taborelli/TS(MT)

HR-PMD: S. Datta-Cockerill (SDC), M. Duval (MD), S. Foffano (SF), L. Orr-Easo (LOE), M. Storr (MS)(partially),

D. Vite (DV)

Excused: M. Burri/PH, P. Sievers/AT, G. Deroma Staff Association representative

New DTOs : T. Bauswein and R. Menendez,  were introduced.

Proposal from E. Mosselmans : DTOs should be informed about the 2 projects : Skills & Talent and
e-MAPS. These projects were presented on 22/06/04 at CCP and will be presented at next TEC
meeting. In the meantime details are available on the Web.

Minutes of last meeting were approved.


Sue Foffano presented the follow-up from the last meeting :

-          Training attestations now available from HRT

-          DTO nominations within new structure have been made however for AT, Peter Sievers’
     replacement not yet known

-          JTB reviewed, first meeting in May (minutes)

3 members from Management : T. Peterson, Ph. Lebrun, O. Ullaland

3 members from Staff Association : M. Goossens, M. Streit-Bianchi, Ph. Defert

1 chairman : J. Ferguson

1 secretary : Sue Foffano

o        Discussion on ‘should the TEC continue’ ? : Yes

o        Chairman of JTB should be chairman of TEC ?

§         Sue Foffano to chair TEC provisionally – Monique Duval, secretary provisionally

Team activity : following a suggestion that had been made in advance by Erwin Mosselmans that
 DTOs should ‘do something useful’ at the TEC meeting, the DTOs were split into 2 groups and
asked to discuss The role of the DTO.

DTO Group 1 : TB, AD, RM, MT :

o        DTO Mission :

Contribution to the personal development of staff to ensure development to do the job
and developing personal competencies in view of career

o        Role :

-  Interaction with Department/Group leader (current policy, objectives)

      -  Staff counselor : promotion of training, mediator between Staff and hierarchy

      -  Relation with HR-PMD : to get info from them and give feedback, make proposals     

      -  Administrative work : Training plan for individual – manage budget (different

                  -  Signatures in EDH, approval

* Discussion on payment – either group budget or central training budget :

- For TS dept. budget includes Training, PCs, travel, etc. Therefore impossible to know exactly the
amount of money spent only on training

- IT : central budget for CERN organised training, Group budgets for external training

- AB : internal courses paid by central budget, external courses paid by group budget

- SC : difficult to separate training as trips and training are mixed up

General conclusion : difficult to know how much is really spent on training

DTO Group 2 : CG, VM, EM, NP :

o        Politique :

             -      Formation décidée par les Comités

             -      Faire remonter les infos : besoins, difficultés, proposer une stratégie aux Chefs de

o        Identifier les besoins :

             -    informer les groupes et individus de ce qui existe

             -    assurer l’égalité de traitement dans la formation

                   -    infos aux nouveaux arrivants (induction)

                   -    partage des infos avec les autres DTOs

                   -    mise en place du plan de formation

o        Technique – gestion :

             -    gestion du budget

             -    Rapports, infos, statistiques, etc.

             -    obtenir rapports (MAPS, Induction, etc.)

The groups then discussed the questions  What do you need to do the DTO job ? What is missing
today ?

DTO Group 1 : 

Moyens nécessaires                                                                           Moyens désirés

1) Temps /ressources                                                                          outils adaptés

2) Autorité (empowerment)                                                           accès au MAPS, accès au GL meeting,
                             ‘autorité’ formelle ?

3)Voix     :                                                                                                politique définie ? qui devrait la  faire?                                                                                                                       rôle de HR ?

4) Interlocuteur DTO = GL
participation dans les GLM

5) Formalisation du rôle du DTO ? 

6) Reconnaissance du rôle ?                                                           temps nécessaire (DTO rôle dans MAPS 
                             mais pas de temps alloué)


Question : Rôle du DTO : conseil ou rôle décisionnel (conseil à 90 %)?


DTO Group 2 :


1)  Transmission de l’info ‘top-down’ – contenu – façon - guidelines

2) Autorité – crédibilité – soutien du Chef de Groupe

3) Présence aux réunion GL

4) Budget spécifique pour la Formation



-          MAPS/Induction/objectifs/tâches

-          Contacts GL/Staff

-          Plan de formation /développement techniques

-          Mise au courant des formations interne/externe

-          Obtenir liste des nouveaux arrivants (pas uniquement staff & fellows)

-          TEC ok

-          Vision d’ensemble  + historique (HRT + contact avec ex Dtos)

      -          Outils ‘’reporting’’ à améliorer
      -          Tous les cours doivent être enregistrés (externes, conférences, etc.)
      -          Accès aux MAPS / induction

ATT section presentations:

Mick Storr made a general presentation of the ATT section activities focusing on the following
topics with respect to the Academic and Technical Training Programmes;

-          Content

-          Programme definition

-          Target population and format

-          Organisation and delivery

-          Cost and budget 2004

-          Venue 2003

-          # Participants  2003

Davide Vite  presented current Technical Training Projects:

-       Summer 2004 meetings with DTOs
-       Review of 2003-04 external training
-       Technical Training Programme validation

-       European Computer Driving Licence  (ECDL) project

Questions/remarks :

-        from MT : how did you know about the ECDL ? MS : by word of mouth

-        from RM : who is behind this ? DV: European Computer Driving Licence Foundation Ltd
   (non-profit organization) – recognized world-wide, contact also with UN

-        Remark from TB : this can be the next step after following a course

-        from MS : most important : to improve skills, official way of registering a competency/skill

MCL presentation :

Sudeshna Datta-Cockerill made a general presentation of the MCL section activities covering the
following topics for the Management and Communication and Language Training Programmes:

-          Content

-          Strategy

-          2003-2004 participation

-          Target population and format

-          Organisation and delivery

-          Cost 2003

-          Venue 2003

-          Participation 2003

-          Evaluation 2003

Questions/remarks :

-          from NP : courses for GL extended to Deputy GL ? in principle yes if places available

-          from LOE : CDP part one compulsory, part two recommended

-          from SF : can DTO participate ? this depends on the department but yes as observer, to
     be able to inform people later on

-          from TB : what is the price for this ? only logistics to be paid if given by SDC or LOE but
     may change

Any other business : Sue Foffano raised the following subjects

-          Future of the TEC meeting : should each DTO present/share how they organize training
      within their Department as before ? DTO’s will be contacted to make suggestions on
      how to improve TEC, how regularly the meeting should take place ? (Since the meeting
      replies have been received by PH, FI and HR – Action: other DTO’s to reply to Sue)

-          MAPS information : what info does a DTO get from MAPS ? Admin. Circular 26 specifies
     that a DTO should receive pages 1 & 2, what happens in reality ?  - NP, TB only Training
     objectives, VM, EM, CG 2 pages, MT pages 1 & 2 or nothing

-          Following discussion at the JTB, DTO’s should provide information on external training.
     (SF will send external training data to DTO’s during August for verification and

Discussion on next meeting :

No meeting over the Summer

Next one in Autumn (date to be confirmed) including a status-report on STI and e-MAPS

Monique Duval 2/8/2004



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