School of Analytic Computing in Theoretical High-Energy Physics

Atrani, Italy

Atrani, Italy

Claude Duhr (CERN), Maria Cristina D'Amato (INFN), Vittorio Del Duca (Universita e INFN (IT))

The aim of the School is to bring together young theorists working on various aspects of Quantum Field Theory and High-Energy Physics and to provide them with the necessary cutting-edge tools and techniques to perform analytic computations.

The fourth edition of the school focuses primarily on computational techniques in

Conformal Field Theories and Integrability

In recent years, a huge progress has been made in our understanding of Quantum Field Theories at finite coupling. Powerful new techniques have been developed that allow us to compute some field-theoretical quantities away from the perturbative regime.

The school is addressed to Ph.D. students and post-docs in Theoretical High-Energy Physics and Mathematical Physics. 22 hours of lectures will be delivered over the 5 days of the School.  


Previous editions of the school:
