CMS Connect tutorial

RaceTrack (WH7X) (FERMILAB)

RaceTrack (WH7X)


Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Pine Street and Kirk Road, FERMILAB Batavia, IL 60510
Kenyi Paolo Hurtado Anampa (University of Notre Dame (US))

CMS Connect is a service designed to provide a Tier3-like environment for condor analysis jobs and enables users to submit to all resources available in the CMS Global Pool. It is a complementary service to CRAB 3:

  • Use CRAB 3 for e.g  large scale datasets processing via cmsRun
  • Use CMS Connect for user-defined scripts via condor for late-analysis non-cmsRun jobs like e.g: making histograms, plots, analyzing trees, etc.

For users, interacting with CMS Connect is similar to interacting with a private cluster or e.g the LPC CAF, the main difference is that jobs do not run on a local pool but are sent to Tier Resources available in the CMS Global Pool, hence it does not provide a shared-filesystem infrastructure or include your CERN/FNAL AFS Home area for example.

Requirements for this workshop:

  • Please, make sure you have a valid CMS VO user certificate. Follow this guide if you don't.
  • Register to CMS Connect: Registration Link
  • Sign-up for this event

Topics in this tutorial include:

  • HTCondor: Best Practices
    • Submission, file transfer, job matching and classAds, queue monitoring.
    • Troubleshooting tips.
    • CMSSW-related tips
      • Sandbox creation
      • Setting up the framework on the worker node
      • Transfering files via e.g XRootD, gfal-copy, etc.
  • CMS Connect usage
    • Account creation, transferring proxy certificates 
    • Submitting to specific resources
    • Dashboard reporting
    • Stash