Council - Hundred-and-eighty-first Session
60/6-015 - Room Georges Charpak (Room F) (CERN)

60/6-015 - Room Georges Charpak (Room F)


Show room on map
from Thursday, June 16, 2016 (9:00 AM) to Friday, June 17, 2016 (3:30 PM)

Thursday, June 16, 2016


9.00 a.m. Closed Session (CERN (60/6-015))

1. Report by the Credentials Committee
2. Matters Arising from Previous Meeting
3. Approval of the Draft Minutes of the Hundred-and-Eightieth Session of Council
CERN/3234/RA English French
4. Adoption of the Agenda
CERN/3235 English French
5. Enlargement Process
   5.1 Application for Associate Membership at CERN by the Government of India Report by the fact-finding Task Force (Ms C. Warakaulle)
CERN/3254/RA English French Slides
   5.2 Recent developments (Director-General)
6. Elections
   6.1 Re-appointment of the Chair and appointment of a new Vice-Chair of the Governing Board of the Pension Fund
CERN/3253/RA English French
   6.2 Call for nominations for the next Chair of Finance Committee - Preliminary discussion of the list of candidates
7. Senior Staff Appointment Replacement of the Human Resources Department Head (Director-General)
CERN/SPC/1067/RA CERN/3249/RA English French Slides
8. Confirmation of access status of documents of the Session
9. Other Business
--- Coffee Break ---
12.00 p.m. Restricted Session (CERN (60/6-015))

1. Approval of the Draft Minutes of the Hundred-and-Seventy-Ninth Session of Council
CERN/3233/RA English French
2. Matters Arising from Previous Meeting
3. President’s Report - Oral
4. Director-General’s Report - Oral
5. Developments in the Member States relevant for CERN
6. Scientific Policy Committee
SPC Summary
   6.1 Draft Note from the SPC Working Group on the Council question concerning R&D activities for a future high-energy frontier machine (Prof. T. Nakada)
White Paper
   6.2 New questions from delegations
--- Lunch ---
7. Standing Advisory Committee on Audits (SACA) (Ms C. Jamieson)
SACA 1-2 June-summary
   7.1 Report and Recommendations of the SACA chair (Ms C. Jamieson - Oral)
   7.2 Procedure for the selection and appointment of the External Auditors of the Organization
CERN/3250 English French
   7.3 New questions from delegations
8. Co-operation agreement between the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and the Government of Latvia (Ms C. Warakaulle)
CERN/3257/RA English French
9. The High-Luminosity LHC Project (Director-General)
CERN/SPC/1068 CERN/FC/6014 CERN/3255 English French Slides
10. Medium-Term Plan for the Period 2017-2021 and Draft Budget of the Organization for the sixty-third Financial Year 2017 (Director-General)
CERN/SPC/1064 CERN/FC/6011 CERN/3246 English French Slides
11. 2017 Budget: Scale of Contributions (Dr M. Steinacher)
CERN/FC/6008 CERN/3243 English French Slides
12. Proposed Amendments to the 11th Edition of the Staff Rules & Regulations
CERN/FC/6012 CERN/3247 English French
--- Coffee break ---
13. CERN Pension Fund
   13.1 Report by the Chair of the Governing Board (Dr T. Roth - Oral)
   13.2 Periodic Actuarial Review of the Pension Fund as of 1.1.2016
CERN/FC/6013/RA CERN/3248/RA English French
   13.3 Draft Mandate for the Consulting Actuary for a cost analysis of measures relating to the CERN pension scheme
CERN/3256/RA English French
14. Pension Fund Governance
CERN/3251/RA English French
15. Access Status of Council documents
CERN/3252 English French
16. Confirmation of access status of documents of the Session
17. Other Business
Friday, June 17, 2016


9.00 a.m. Open Session (CERN (503/1-001))

1. Report on the decisions taken at Restricted and Closed Sessions (President of Council - Oral)
2. Report by the Chair of the Finance Committee (Ms C. Jamieson - Oral)
3. Report by the Chair of the Scientific Policy Committee (Prof. T. Nakada - Oral)
4. Annual Progress Report
   4.1 Annual Progress Report for 2015 (Dr M. Steinacher)
CERN/SPC/1061/Rev. CERN/FC/5986/Rev. CERN/3228/Rev. English French Slides
   4.2 Assessment and Comments by the External Auditors on the Annual Progress Report 2015
CERN/FC/6000 CERN/3236 English French
   4.3 Assessment and Comments by the SPC on the Annual Progress Report for 2015 (Prof. T. Nakada - Oral)
   4.4 Assessment and Comments by the FC and SACA on the Annual Progress Report for 2015 (Ms C. Jamieson - Oral)
5. Financial Statements of CERN
   5.1 Financial Statements for 2015 (Dr M. Steinacher - Oral)
CERN/FC/6001 CERN/3237 English French Slides
   5.2 Report by the External Auditors on the Financial Statements of CERN for the Financial Year 2015
CERN/FC/6002 CERN/3238 English French
   5.3 Recommendations from the External Auditors to the CERN Management on the Financial Statements of CERN and comments from the CERN Management
CERN/FC/6003 CERN/3239 English French
   5.4 Assessment and Comments by the FC and SACA on the Financial Statements of CERN for 2015 (Ms C. Jamieson - Oral)
6. Financial Statements of the CERN Pension Fund
   6.1 Annual Report and Financial Statements for the Year ended 31 December 2015
CERN/FC/6004 CERN/3240 English French
   6.2 Report by the External Auditors on the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the Year ended 31 December 2015
CERN/FC/6005 CERN/3241 English French
   6.3 Recommendations from the External Auditors to the CERN Pension Fund Management on the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the Year ended 31 December 2015 and comments from the CERN Pension Fund Management
CERN/FC/6006 CERN/3242 English French
   6.4 Assessment and Comments by the FC and SACA on the Financial Statements of the CERN Pension Fund for 2015 (Ms C. Jamieson - Oral)
7. Draft Timetable of Council Sessions and Committee Meetings in 2017
CERN/3244/Draft English French
--- Coffee Break ---
8. LHC Matters
   8.1 Status Report (Dr F. Bordry - Oral)
   8.2 Status Report on the LHC Experiments and Computing (Prof. E. Elsen - Oral)
9. Particle Physics in China, present and plans (Prof. Yifang Wang)
10. Particle Physics in Japan, present and plans (Prof. Masanori Yamauchi)
11. Confirmation of access status of documents
12. Other Business
--- Lunch - Pas Perdus ---