LHC HF WG meeting on EvtGen

Tuesday 7 June 2016 - 14:00
CERN (60/6-015)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
7 Jun 2016
14:00 Introduction   (60/6-015 - Room Georges Charpak (Room F))
14:10 Status of EvtGen: general and LHCb - Michal Kreps (University of Warwick (GB)) Thomas Edward Latham (University of Warwick (GB)) Timothy Gershon (University of Warwick (GB)) John James Back (University of Warwick (GB))   (60/6-015 - Room Georges Charpak (Room F))
14:40 Experience and needs from ATLAS - Semen Turchikhin (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU))   (60/6-015 - Room Georges Charpak (Room F))
15:00 Experience and needs from CMS - Alberto Sanchez Hernandez (Centro Invest. Estudios Avanz. IPN (MX))   (60/6-015 - Room Georges Charpak (Room F))
15:20 Discussion on how to harmonise decay tables and models among experiments   (60/6-015 - Room Georges Charpak (Room F))
16:20 Next steps.   (60/6-015 - Room Georges Charpak (Room F))