
60/6-002 (CERN)



Show room on map
This will be the first activity of the NEU2012 network, a discussion meeting between physicist representing the neutrino community on the future of accelerator neutrino physics in Europe. This meeting will be broadcast by phone and presentation files stored on indico. The phone number to call is +41 22 767 7000 ask for the NEU2012 phone conference for Blondel. Will be present, in particular: -- members of the neutrino panel of the CERN SPC; -- members of the organizing committee of the CERN workshop on New Opportunities in the Physics Landscape at CERN that will will be held on 11-13 May 2009 at CERN. -- physicists representing European projects in neutrino physics In the workshop in May, the new CERN directorate is targetting the non-LHC physics that could be made at CERN. Physics of neutrino oscillations is (apart from CNGS) absent from the agenda, although a workshop dedicated to neutrino physics is foreseen at a later stage. The discussion on CERN injectors however is a critical point, since this choice, which will need to be made in 2010, can either allow or forbid a high power extension that could drive a neutrino factory a super-beam or a beta-beam. This meeting intends to initiate the effort to assemble our neutrino physicist network whose task will be to establish a neutrino road map, in a way to be decided together, so as to be in a position to express in a consistent way the scientific interests of the community.