Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

3rd Supervisory Board Meeting

Friday 23 September 2016 - 08:30
CERN (18/3-008)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
23 Sept 2016
08:30 --- Welcome Coffee ---
Work Packages 1 & 3 (until 12:30) (18/3-008 - CLIC Meeting room)
09:00 Intro   (18/3-008 - CLIC Meeting room)
09:05 Uncertainty Budgeting for accelerator pre-alignment. A Stochastic approach - Iordan Petrov Doytchinov (CERN)   (18/3-008 - CLIC Meeting room)
09:35 Seismometer's resolution measurement - Peter Novotny (CERN)   (18/3-008 - CLIC Meeting room)
10:05 Nano-positioning system: tests, modelling and concepts - David Tshilumba (CERN)   (18/3-008 - CLIC Meeting room)
10:35 --- Coffee break ---
10:50 Non-contact high precision sensor for coordinate measuring machine - Claude Sanz (CERN)   (18/3-008 - CLIC Meeting room)
11:20 Development & Validation of an Absolute Frequency Scanning Interferometry Network: STATUS UPDATE - Solomon William Kamugasa (CERN)   (18/3-008 - CLIC Meeting room)
11:50 Preliminary results on the micro-triangulation for magnet fiducialization - Vasileios Vlachakis (CERN)   (18/3-008 - CLIC Meeting room)
12:20 Discussion + summary   (18/3-008 - CLIC Meeting room)
Work Packages 2 & 4 (until 12:30) (17/1-007)
09:00 Intro   (17/1-007)
09:05 CLIC BPM characterization and preliminary measurements on the PACMAN bench - Silvia Zorzetti (CERN)   (17/1-007)
09:35 High precision miniaturized rotating PCB coils for Clic magnets - Giordana Severino (CERN)   (17/1-007)
10:05 Stretched-wire systems for the magnetic measurement of small-aperture magnets - Domenico Caiazza (CERN)   (17/1-007)
10:35 --- Coffee break ---
10:50 Progress on accelerating structure alignment - Natalia Galindo Munoz (CERN)   (17/1-007)
11:20 General discussion + summary   (17/1-007)
12:00 Visit to Natalia's lab   (17/1-007)
12:30 --- Lunch ---
Closed session (until 15:00) (18/3-008 - CLIC Meeting room)
14:00 Election of new chairman   (18/3-008 - CLIC Meeting room)
14:05 EC Status - Seamus Hegarty (CERN)   (18/3-008 - CLIC Meeting room)
14:10 Project monitoring - Helene Mainaud Durand (CERN)   (18/3-008 - CLIC Meeting room)
14:30 Outreach & dissemination - Michele Modena (CERN)   (18/3-008 - CLIC Meeting room)
14:40 Training & secondments - Nuria Catalan Lasheras (CERN)   (18/3-008 - CLIC Meeting room)
14:50 AOB   (18/3-008 - CLIC Meeting room)
Demos (until 17:00) (18/3-008 - CLIC Meeting room)
17:00 --- Cocktail ---