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CERN Accelerating science

Title Study of resonance production as a probe of heavy-ion collisions with the ALICE detector
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Author(s) Knospe, Anders Garritt (speaker) (University of Houston (US))
Corporate author(s) CERN. Geneva
Imprint 2017-03-14. - Streaming video.
Series (LHC Seminar)
Lecture note on 2017-03-14T11:00:00
Subject category LHC Seminar
Abstract Hadronic resonances provide a rich set of measurements that can be used to study the properties of ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions. Measurements of resonances and long-lived particles provide information about the properties of the late hadronic phase due to the presence of scattering effects that can modify resonance yields. Resonances can also be used along with long-lived hadrons to study the various mechanisms that shape particle pT spectra, including in-medium energy loss, radial flow, and recombination. Measurements of resonances in pp and p-Pb collisions serve as baselines for measurements in heavy-ion collisions, provide input for tuning QCD-inspired event generators, and aid searches for collective behavior in small systems. I will present measurements of a wide variety of hadronic resonances, including some of the most recent results presented at the Quark Matter conference. By comparing measurements of resonances with different masses, lifetimes, and quark contents in pp, p-Pb, and Pb-Pb collisions to model calculations we gain insight into particle production mechanisms and the medium density and interactions in the hadronic re-scattering phase of these collisions.
Copyright/License © 2017-2024 CERN
Submitted by carlos.lourenco@cern.ch


 Record created 2017-03-14, last modified 2022-11-02

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