WLCG Traceability and Isolation WG (Vidyo meeting)

31/S-028 (CERN)



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Present: Vincent Brillault, Maarten Litmaath, Andrew McNab, Brian Bockelman, Ian Neilson, Mischa Sallé, Miguel Martinez Pedreira

● Previous meeting minutes

No comment on the notes of the previous meeting

● Singularity

  • Brian presented his ongoing work on Singularity as a potential solution for isolation (see slides):
    • Provides isolation (no traceability), already has enough features to replace glexec
    • Integrated with other systems: HTCondor, OSG VO, SLURM (Singularity 2.3.0)
      • Running Singularity in Singularity is not possible (due to SUID filtering)
    • OSG working on officially supporting Singularity in ~June 2017, aiming at replacing glexec (if agreed to by stakeholders)
  • Singularity appears to the WG as the current best solution and is now evaluating it (upcoming actions):
    • Security reviews (due to SUID):
      • Brian did not get it accepted for review (external company doing reviews for OSG), will push it again next quarter
      • Maarteen and Vincent will follow-up with EGI
    • Testing:
      • Vincent to follow-up with the CERN site, to see if a small dedicated HTCondor cluster could have Singularity installed
      • Vincent? to follow-up with CernVM to have Singularity installed (without SUID)

● New traceability model

Vincent presented a new possible model for incident response, moving part of the security logs from the site to the VO.

Action: Vincent to write down a more formal proposal

Open question: How to validate the model?

● Next meeting

The date of Jan 18th was decided as the candidate for the next meeting

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.