NE ROC F2F Meeting Helsinki
Sessio, 7th Floor (CSC)
Sessio, 7th Floor
CSC is in an outer suburb of Espoo called Keilaniemi. It is situated next to the
large Technology Park in Otaniemi. It's about 30 mins from the airport by taxi.
The exact address is
Keilaranta 14, Espoo, and you can find it on Google maps:,+02150+Espoo,+Finland&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=44.793449,86.923828&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=16
This face2face meeting is intended for all NE ROC team members in order to exchange experiences and to discuss ROC operational procedures. Special focus will be laid to our MoU with our Baltic sites, who are also heartily invited to come and join the discussion.
The COD-20 meeting is directly afterwards and you can get the same hotel booking conditions. (see If you are participating in COD-20 and in order to get network access, coffee or lunch please mark yourself as participating for this at :
(NOTE:registration for COD-20 is now closed)