Academic Training Lecture Regular Programme
Neutrinos (3/4)
500/1-001 - Main Auditorium (CERN)
Neutrinos remain enigmatic and elusive particles. They are invaluable astronomical and terrestrial
messengers that have provided the first hints of physics beyond the standard model. Despite being the second most abundant particles in the universe, we still know little about them and future experiments are being designed to improve this knowledge.
These lectures will review theoretical and experimental aspects of neutrino physics. They are organized as follows:
Lectures 1 & 4 by P. Hernandez will cover the theoretical aspects of massive neutrinos, the phenomena of neutrino oscillations and lepton mixing. They will review how neutrino masses provide a strong hint of a new scale of physics that could be related to the origin of the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the Universe. The relevance of neutrinos in cosmology will also be briefly discussed.
Lectures 2 &3 by S. Bordoni will first discuss the physics of neutrino detection and review the detection
technologies for neutrinos commonly used at different energy regimes. Then they will focus on the open questions related to the properties of neutrinos and how the current and future experiments
are addressing them. Special attention will be given to the status of the current knowledge of neutrino oscillations at both long and short baseline.