Beam-Beam measurements and simulations: Beam-Beam measurements and simulations
- Yannis Papaphilippou (CERN)
Beam-Beam measurements and simulations
- There are no conveners in this block
Guido Sterbini
20/03/2017, 14:30
- Impact of wire SPS and LHC injection (orbit, tune-shift and spread, optics perturbation, lifetime)
- Experiments with single beam at top energy
Xavier Buffat
20/03/2017, 15:20
- Impedance effects on weak beam for different collimator positions
- Instability considerations for supressed BBLR tune-shif
With ATS optics
Dario Pellegrini
20/03/2017, 16:50
— Observables from simulations and experience during 2016
— Other factors affecting beam lifetime
— Review of measurements results with 2 trains (lifetime, emittance blow-up)
— Measurements proposal with weak beam + 1 train strong with supporting simulations