CERN openlab is organising an ‘open day’ for 21 September 2017.
You can follow the webcast by going to this webpage:
Come and learn about our work: collaborating with leading ICT companies and research institutes to accelerate the development of cutting-edge solutions for the worldwide LHC community -- as well as for wider scientific research.
As CERN openlab's current three-year phase comes to a close, discover the technical highlights from our diverse range of projects. And find out more about future ICT challenges we aim to tackle, too! The event will see the launch of the new CERN openlab white paper on future ICT challenges: this is the culmination of a process of deep consultation with representatives of experiments here at CERN.
The event will take place at CERN in the council chamber, as well as in the upstairs mezzanine area of the main building. It will feature hands-on technology demonstrations from companies working with CERN openlab, so that you too can discover the latest ICT innovations.
If you’re interested in finding out more about how research and industry can work together in close partnership to drive innovation in support of the scientific community, then this event is for you.
Welcome to the CERN openlab open day 2017!
Discover the exciting work that has been carried out during CERN openlab's current three-year phase (2015-2017).
CERN openlab CRO Fons Rademakers presents our exciting new projects with non-HEP communities. Learn about projects such as BioDynaMo, GeneROOT, and more.
Launch of the new CERN openlab whitepaper on future ICT challenges.
CERN openlab CTO, Maria Girone, launches the new white paper on future ICT challenges.
Your chance to learn more about the CERN openlab projects through the posters on display and to explore the new technologies being developed by our collaborators.
Discover CERN openlab's education and training activities. Meet former summer students who are now back at CERN.
Discover the latest news from each of CERN openlab's exciting collaborative projects!
Your chance to learn more about the CERN openlab projects through the posters on display and to explore the new technologies being developed by our collaborators.
Discover the latest technological innovations developed by our partners.
Vilen Jumutcs is a solution architect at Intel. He is an expert in machine-learning and deep-learning.
Discover the latest news from each of CERN openlab's exciting collaborative projects!
Learn about our alumni activities. Also, hear about the journey of one of our alumni, from CERN openlab fellow to leading a team of data scientists at Inmarsat.
Maaike Limper was a CERN openlab fellow, working in the Database Services Group of the IT Departmnet, from January 2012 until August 2014.
She worked on a collaborative project with Oracle to investigate the use of databases for physics analysis. this involved comparing performance between Hadoop, ROOT and Oracle solutions, as well as comparing row-based versus column-based storage methods.
Today, Maaike works as a lead data scientist, specialising in SQL-based analysis, at Inmarsat.
Your chance to learn more about the CERN openlab projects through the posters on display and to explore the new technologies being developed by our collaborators.
Discover the latest news from each of CERN openlab's exciting collaborative projects!
Martin Curley, our special guest speaker, is Professor of Innovation at the Innovation Value Institute at Maynooth University in Ireland. He is also the chair of the EU Open Innovation and Strategy Policy group, which is driving the further development and adoption of the Open Innovation 2.0 paradigm in Europe. Martin’s new book on ‘Open Innovation 2.0, The New Mode of Digital Innovation for Prosperity and Sustainability’ will be available in Q4 2017. Martin is also Senior Vice President and group head for Global Digital Practice at Mastercard. Previously Martin was vice president at Intel Corporation and Director/GM of Intel Labs Europe, Intel’s network of more than 50 research labs which he help grow across the European region. He was European Chief Technology Officer of the year in 2015 and is a visiting research fellow at the CERN Open Lab. Martin has published 7 books on Innovation, entrepreneurship and IT Management.
Farewell address by CERN openlab head, Alberto Di Meglio.