Kick-off meeting - R&D on experimental technologies
500/1-001 - Main Auditorium (CERN)
9:30 AM
10:00 AM
Coffee 30m
10:00 AM
10:10 AM
Introduction 10m
Scope, context, timeline
Speaker: Manfred Krammer (CERN) -
10:10 AM
11:10 AM
Current R&D in LHC experiments
Where will we stand in 2020? Expected R&D results and outlook on farther future
- 10:10 AM
10:25 AM
LHCb 15mSpeaker: Massimiliano Ferro-Luzzi (CERN)
- 10:40 AM
- 10:55 AM
11:10 AM
11:50 AM
The main challenges beyond HL-LHC
Experimental requirements at future hadron and lepton machines
11:10 AM
Hadron machines 20mSpeaker: Werner Riegler (CERN)
11:30 AM
Lepton machines 20mSpeakers: Lucie Linssen (CERN), Patrick Janot (CERN)
11:10 AM
11:50 AM
12:00 PM
Towards an efficient and balanced R&D programme 10m
Process, first ideas on themes, organisation, roadmap, workshops
Speaker: Christian Joram (CERN) -
12:00 PM
12:10 PM
Discussion 10m
9:30 AM
10:00 AM