3:45 PM
Belle II Software Framework - Overview, Feedback and Requests
Martin Ritter
(LMU / Cluster Universe)
4:00 PM
ROOT across the CMS experiment
David Lange
(Princeton University (US))
4:15 PM
Marcel Andre Schneider
4:30 PM
ROOT in LHCb Software Framework Gaudi, present and future
Marco Clemencic
4:45 PM
Reliable Histogram Aggregation for the LHCb software trigger
Roel Aaij
(Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))
5:00 PM
The Usage of ROOT in the DD4hep Detector Description Package
Markus Frank
5:15 PM
Evolution of ROOT geometry package
Andrei Gheata
5:30 PM
N dimensional analysis pipeline for ALICE
Marian Ivanov
(GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))