ROOT and the Python Ecosystem
- Yuka Takahashi (University of Cincinnati (US))
With Python already established as a key player in scientific computing, the interest for the language in HEP has been growing over the last years. In order to address that demand, the ROOT Python bindings (PyROOT) are being modernised and extended. A new experimental PyROOT has been created by leveraging Cppyy, which provides the basic bleeding edge functionality for generating automatic...
iminuit is an external Python interface to the Minuit2 C++ code,
which can be compiled standalone without the rest of ROOT. iminuit
has recently seen a boost of development which culminated in the
latest 1.3 release and will join the Scikit-HEP project in this year.
To simplify Minuit’s use as a standalone CMake package, for projects
like iminuit and GooFit, a new standalone build system...
In this talk we present PyrooFit, a fit framework based on python and pandas DataFrames built on top of the ROOT.RooFit package. It currently allows for simple fits of standard PDFs and easy setup of custom PDFs in one or more fit dimensions, but the ultimate goal is to develop it into a general framework independent of a specific back-end.
Finally in this talk we report on general feedback...