JCOP Project Team Meeting
There were 43 participants at the meeting.
1) Differences for developers between PVSS 3.6 and 3.1 - Oliver Holme
Oliver first gave an overview of the main differences between 3.6 and 3.1 in terms of functionality before entering into specific differences. His slides and screen shots of the panels he demonstrated are loaded into InDiCo with these minutes.
After describing the important differences Oliver demonstrated some of these as well as the nice new features such as the new trending widget, table and tree view.
The following questions/points were raised:
- Non-permanent OPC groups. What happens if the data should be archived? It won't be unless it is being used by a script of panel. However, this is not the default behaviour and this feature is only intended for very specific use where one is only interested in this type of data if it is being displayed or required by a script.
- New licence for 3.6. Wayne requested that users do not request a new licence until triggered to do so by IT/CO. IT/CO would like to generate these new licences only after the automatic licence generation mechanism is operational - early 2007. In any case 3.1 licences can still be used until May 2007 even with 3.6 projects. It is not sure whether 3.6 licences can be used with 3.1 projects.
- Is there an automatic way of converting 3.1 panels to the 3.6 format? This is not necessary as a 3.6 application can read 3.1 panels. They are automatically converted when saved.
- Are there changes to the script debugger in 3.6? No.
- What is shown in the Project View? All files in the current project path, including sub-directories.
- Panel in panel. What happens if the embedded panel is removed, are all widgets in that panel also removed. Yes.
- What is meant by rich text? Is this real rft? No, it just means that the text can be formatted using standard options, e.g. font type and size, bold, underline, etc.
- Is it possible to embed a button in a cell of the tree view? No.
- How will the new trending widget relate to the FW trending tool? The new widget will be used immediately and afterewards the trending tool modified to take advantage of the new features.
- Are the name of widgets in a tab referred by the tab name? It will need to be investigated.
- Wayne explained that a last version of the FW for 3.1 would now be released and after this all new functionality would only be available for 3.6. After discussion it was agreed that a version of the FW for 3.6 should be released as soon as possible. The courses in 2007 will be run based on 3.6.
- The question was raised as to how the Oracle archiving would progress. Wayne replied that he expected bug fixes to be provided for 3.1 but that new functionality would be provided for 3.6 only. This would also apply for the new alarm handling features.
- Have any problems been seen when upgrading projects? No.
- Has interoperability between 3.1 and 3.6 systems been tested? Yes, but only in a simple set-up. Is there an impact on performance? No performance tests have been performed. However, this is not seen as a bottleneck for a system.
- When will the EV, CTRL and UI be compiled with the new Windows compiler? Awaiting a response from ETM.
- Is it possible to disable Kerberos? It is understood that this is configurable.
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