Evgeny Zabrodin
(University of Oslo (NO))
The conditions of production and freeze-out of strange particles in central heavy-ion collisions at energies of NICA and FAIR are studied within two microscopic transport models. The system of final particles can be sub-divided into a core, containing the still interacting particles, and a halo with particles already decoupled from the system. In microscopic calculations hadrons are continuously emitted from the whole reaction volume. Different hadron species decouple at different times. Strange mesons (kaons and φ) are frozen at earlier times and, therefore, can probe earlier stages of the reaction.
Track | Strangeness and Light Flavour |
Primary author
Evgeny Zabrodin
(University of Oslo (NO))
Dmitry Sachenko
(Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv)
Larisa Bravina
(University of Oslo (NO))