HADES provides a large acceptance combined with a high mass-resolution and therefore allows to study dielectron and hadron production in heavy-ion collisions with unprecedented precision. The high statistics measurements of flow coefficients for protons, deuterons and tritons in Au+Au collisions at 1.23 AGeV (performed with the HADES experiment at SIS18/GSI) are presented here. In addition to the directed (v1) and elliptic (v2) flow components also the higher coefficients v3 and v4 are investigated for the first time in this energy regime. All flow coefficients are studied multi-differential, i.e. as a function of transverse momentum pt and rapidity over a large region of phase space and for several intervals of reaction centrality. This provides the possibility to characterize the particle production in heavy-ion collisions as a full 3D-picture in momentum space and puts strong constraints on the determination of the properties of dense matter, such as its viscosity and equation-of-state (EOS).
Information on radial flow can be obtained from the analysis of pion HBT-correlations and transverse momentum spectra of identified particles. We will present new results on these observables extracted from the HADES data and discuss their correlations. From these a consistent picture emerges which provides strong evidence for a substantial radial expansion already at these low beam energies.
Supported by BMBF (05P15RFFCA), HGS-HIRe and H-QM.
Track | Hadronisation and coalescence |
Collaboration name | HADES |