Strangeness in Astrophysics
- Tapan Nayak (CERN, Geneva and NISER, Bhubaneswar)
The research for hypernuclei and their production mechanisms open new
opportunities for nuclear/particle physics and astrophysics. The hyperons
influence many nuclear properties in finite nuclei and in neutron stars
(infinite nuclear matter). In particular, hypernuclei allow to explore
the many-body aspects of the strong three-flavor interaction at low energies.
We review the main...
The experimental investigation of the low-energy negatively charged kaons interaction with the nuclear matter is very important to understand the strength of the K-nuclei interaction and to provide essential input for understanding of the non-perturbative QCD in the strangeness sector. It has strong consequences in various sectors of physics, like nuclear and particle physics as well as...
It is entirely plausible that during the primordial quark – hadron transition, microseconds after the Big Bang, supercooling takes place accompanied by mini inflation leading to a first – order phase transition from quarks to hadrons. The relics, in the form of quark nuggets consisting of Strange Quark Matter under certain circumstances survive.
It is conjectured that color confinement turns...
Compact star observables are robust and not in one-to-one functional relationship with the microscopical parameters of the applied equation of state. This, the Masquarade problem, which means many types of equation of state parametrization and various parameter settings lead to the same macroscopic observation parameters.
So far we investigated a one-fermion-one-boson model with a simplistic...
Merging binaries of neutron stars are not only strong sources of gravitational waves, but also have the potential of revealing states of matter at densities and temperatures not accessible in laboratories. A crucial and long-standing question in this context is whether quarks are deconfined as a result of the dramatic increase in density and temperature following the merger. I will present the...