Roles and responsibilities
CERN is in charge of instrumenting the collars and to cable them up to the instrumentation plate.
CERN will provide the cable + box from the collar connectors to the HBM DAQ during assembly
CEA is in charge of the cables going from the instrumentation plate to the header of the test facility and from the header to the HBM system.
Action items:
- send CEA example of bullet instrumentation
- confirm if 3M connectors exist in 24 pins or 16 pins
- update the xcel spreadsheet for SG connection
-investigate solution for bullet instrumentation
-confirm schedule for parts delivery
Collar Instrumentation
We are shooting for the week 29 October - 2 November (Ricardo will be the CEA technician working on the SG)
8 collars to be instrumented, 4 SG per collar => 32 SG => 160 wires
Length: as shown in the slides, the length collar to instrumentation plate is 876 mm for station 1 and 602 mm for station 2
Decision on connectors: each collar will have its own connector. we move to 24 pins (to be confirmed by CERN) connectors instead of 40 that each lamination is decoupled. We will then have a cable to group the SG wires to 40 pins connectors.
Measurement preparation
the xcel spreadsheet proposed by CEA (based on previous CERN/LARP collaboration) is ok to define the cables and connections.It has to be updated based on our discussion.
The HBM modules 1615 will be lent by cern (or purchased by CEA). They have 16 connector input. The xcel spreadsheet must be updated accordingly
Naming convention is up to CEA
Bullets Instrumentation
The bullets are not screws, at cern there are in fact cylinders pushed by a screw in order to decouple the thread from the "compressing part". That cylinder is in pure compression and is instrumented with a full bridge on a flat machined on the circumference.
In CEA case the bullet is a screw. CEA needs to find a solution to see if some instrumentation can be put on.
Coil measuring press
commisionning should be done tomorrow at DMP.
If ok, the measuring bars will be shipped to CERN right away and at CERN mid october.
MG mentons that the first step will be to place the bars under press with Fuji paper. Instrumentation could start Oct 20th.
The rest of the tooling should be shipped the following week (if everything goes as planned. confirmation after tomorrow's visit)