Everybody is welcome for this WIT Talk. As per usual, the talk will be followed by networking lunch. This time in the coffee area of building 40.
Short biography
Pippa Wells
Pippa Wells first came to CERN in 1986 for two months as a Summer Student. She did her PhD at the University of Cambridge on the UA2 experiment. In 1990 she joined CERN as a fellow and worked on the OPAL experiment at LEP. She was awarded a research physicist staff position in 1992, and an indefinite contract in 1995.
In 1996 and 1997 she was LEP Physics Coordinator, liaising between the LEP experiments and the accelerator team. She also chaired the LEP energy working group, which was gradually understanding the influence of the moon and local trains on the LEP beam energy.
In 1998 she began to participate in the ATLAS Collaboration, gradually increasing the fraction of time she spent there. She was ATLAS Inner Detector Project Leader in the last years of construction and commission, and for the first LHC collisions. She then spent a few years coordinating studies of the physics case for the HL-LHC.
From 2016 she took on the role of Head of Member State Relations, and splits her time between International Relations and ATLAS.