The 12th International Conference on Position Sensitive Detectors will feature the latest developments in position sensitive detectors from leading researchers around the world and across a wide range of scientific disciplines. The conference has a strong multidisciplinary bias and encourages cross-fertilisation and transfer of ideas between researchers working in many different fields.
All sessions are plenary with each started by an overview presentation by a keynote speaker followed by research presentations relevant to that topic.
There will also be two days of industrial exhibitions and two days of poster presentations during the conference.
Further details on the previous conference hosted by the Open University can be found on the PSD11 Conference Website.
Due to current circumstances PSD12 will be offered in a “hybrid mode" (both in-person and virtual) with enhanced participation enabled for those only able to join remotely due to restrictions. Many more details can be found at the main conference web pages.
Paper submitted to the conference will be published through the Journal of Instrumentation with instructions for abstract submission also at the main coference web pages.
We look forward to welcoming you to Birmingham, the UK's second largest city and centre of the West Midlands, the region which in the 19th Century was the bithplace of the industrial revolution.
A list of the major PSD12 scientific themes is provided below: