Dynamical Systems and Applications

Auditorio Hermann Gamm (UBB, Concepcion)

Auditorio Hermann Gamm

UBB, Concepcion

Universidad del Bío-Bío, Avda. Collao 1202, Casilla 5-C, Concepción, Chile

The main aim of the workshop is to get together a group of mathematicians in Dynamical systems to discuss about recent developments in the field, connecting researchers from various parts of Chile, including postdocs and graduate students.  

This workshop is supported by CONICYT through the proyecto Anillo ACT172001 "New trends in ergodic theory" and the University of Bío-Bío. 

Invited foreign speakers:

Dr. Carlos Morales

Institute de Matemática, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 

Dr. Laurent Niederman

Laboratoire Mathématiques d'Orsay and IMCCE/ASD Orsay, France 


Organizing committee: Dante Carrasco, Claudio Vidal, Yuki Yayama



  • Adrián Gómez
  • Alejandro Maass
  • Anahí Gajardo
  • Ascencio Mauricio
  • Barbara Nuñez
  • Bástian Espinoza
  • Camilo Lacalle
  • Carlos Morales
  • Carlos Vasquez
  • Claudio Vidal
  • Daniel Coronel
  • Dante Carrasco
  • Eduardo Silva
  • Felipe Riquelme
  • Francisco Crespo
  • Gladis Torres
  • Godofredo Iommi
  • Heli Elorreaga
  • Italo Cipriano
  • Jaime Andrade
  • Johanna Denise García Saldaña
  • Jorge Zapata
  • José Oyarce
  • Laurent Niederman
  • Leonardo Dinamarca Opazo
  • Leonel Badilla
  • Marco Uribe
  • Margarita Quispe
  • Mario Ponce
  • María Anacleto
  • Nicolás Alvarado
  • Radu Saghin
  • Raimundo Briceño
  • Ryo Moore
  • Salomón Rebollo
  • Samuel Castillo
  • Samuel Petite
  • Sebastian Ramirez
  • Sebastián Donoso
  • Victor Sirvent
  • Yuki Yayama
Yuki Yayama