LC2020 - Physics of Hadrons on the Light Front
Emerald Hall
Jeju Booyoung Hotel & Resort
Light Cone 2020 (LC2020) postponed to 2021 as Light Cone 2021 (LC2021)
Dear Colleagues,
Because of the covid-19 pandemic and the uncertainties on travel and organizing events with a significant number of participants, the organizing committee and the International Light Cone Advisory Committee (ILCAC) decided to postpone Light Cone 2020 Conference by one year and to have it as Light Cone 2021 (LC2021). The new dates will be Nov. 29 - Dec. 4, 2021 and the venue is the same as for LC2020. The detailed information on LC2021 will be announced later through the following webpage.
Light Cone Conference 2021 (LC2021) - Physics of Hadrons on the Light Front
Dates: November 29 - December 4, 2021
Venue: Jeju Booyoung Hotel, Jeju, Korea
New Homepage:
The Local Organizing Committee of 2020-2021 Edition of the Light Cone Conference