Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

ICDD#14: Hacking for humanity: how our work at CERN inspired us to give back to society!

CERN IdeaSquare (3179-R-D05)

CERN IdeaSquare (3179-R-D05)

Idea Circle Dinner Discussion #14:

Hacking for humanity: how our work at CERN inspired us to give back to society!



THE Port Association aims to combine creative minds from CERN and non-profit organizations in interdisciplinary teams to work on humanitarian technology and related benefits to society. In this talk we will give an overview of our goals and methodology, and discuss the benefits and challenges of our approach. We will showcase a few of the many positive outcomes from our yearly Humanitarian Hackathon events (including a live demo of prototypes). We will also present our other activities and the ways in which one can get involved and contribute positively to society.


This is the last ICDD in 2019. Don’t miss this opportunity to engage with the community and share your ideas and suggestions on making ICDDs even better next year!


About the speakers:

Karolos Potamianos
Karolos is an engineer and particle physicist working on the ATLAS experiment. Besides his day-to-day work on particle detectors and large-scale data analysis, he enjoys applying his skills towards interdisciplinary endeavors. In 2014 Karolos co-founded THE Port Association to encourage innovation in the humanitarian sector through hackathons and other activities.

Ines Knäpper
Ines is a social entrepreneur, innovation enthusiast, hackathon activist and mom. Next to her day-to-day work, she organizes hackathons that bridge the gap between humanitarian organizations and state-of-the-art technology innovators. For that she co-founded THE Port association in 2014 – a Swiss not-for-profit association, encouraging innovation in the humanitarian sector. THE Port humanitarian hackathons foster new forms of collaboration in the heart of International Geneva. Find out more about her work at:

Daniel Dobos
Daniel is a particle physicist with a 15-year career at CERN working on silicon and diamond detectors as well as project management, large-scale data acquisition and analysis for the ATLAS experiment and the Large Hadron Collider. Daniel co-funded THE Port humanitarian hackathons at CERN, was program coordinator for the Geneva Global Goals Innovation Day (G3iD) and worked as Foresight & Futures Head for the United Nations hosted Global Humanitarian Lab (GHL).

Agnes Jakab
Agnes works in international HR operations and talent management. Her experience from both science and the humanitarian sector feeds organically in THE Port’s spirit - connecting the dots between cutting edge technology and the real life needs of the humanitarian field.



Idea Circle Dinner Discussion Series:

If you are interested in learning more about education, communication and outreach activities at CERN, we have launched a new series of talks specifically targeting CERN personnel looking to improve their communication skills, engage with the public, and network with experts in the field. The lecture and discussion series, named Idea Circle Dinner Discussions, will be held at IdeaSquare every other Wednesday at 18:00. Spaces are limited, so please register today to reserve your seat. (Light dinner and refreshments will be available for registered participants only).

The next set of ICDD events are scheduled at the following times:

  • ICDD#9: Wednesday 10 Jul 6PM - 7PM
  • ICDD#10: Wednesday 24 Jul 6PM - 7PM
  • ICDD#11: Wednesday 07 Aug 6PM - 7PM
  • ICDD#12: Wednesday 02 Oct 6PM - 7PM
  • ICDD#13: Wednesday 30 Oct 6PM - 7PM
  • ICDD#14: Wednesday 13 Nov 6PM - 7PM

With LS2, this is the perfect time to expand your horizons beyond research and enhance your public engagement profile. We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday.

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ICDD#14: Suggestions and Feedback
    • Introduction
    • Talk
      • 1
        Hacking for humanity: how our work at CERN inspired us to give back to society!
        Speakers: Daniel Dobos (gluoNNet & THE Port), Ines Knapper, Karolos Potamianos (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
    • Q&A
    • Dinner and Discussion