Container Service

Webinar: Moving Rucio to Production in Kubernetes

by Thomas Beermann (Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal (DE))

Europe/Zurich (Zoom)



Recording available: youtube and CERN Videos

Join us in zoom (Meeting ID: 988 1363 8977). Recording will be available shortly after the session.

Rucio is a software framework that provides functionality to organize, manage, access and monitor large volumes of scientific data using customisable policies. It has been originally developed to meet the requirements of the high-energy physics experiment ATLAS, and is continuously extended to support LHC experiments and other diverse scientific communities.
The current deployment is based on puppet-managed VMs. The configuration grew historically and became quite complicated which makes installing and configuring new instances a cumbersome task.
With Kubernetes and Helm Charts this becomes much easier and a fully working Rucio instance can be set up in a matter of minutes. Furthermore, the self-healing and auto-scaling capabilities of K8s can make the operation of the Rucio cluster much easier. We currently have integration services for ATLAS and CMS running on K8s as well as additional clusters for activities like DOMA TPC.
This talk will describe our current progress moving to production later this year.