High energy particle physics seeks to discover the fundamental constituents of matter and understand the forces between them. To accomplish this, it uses powerful high energy accelerators to probe smallest possible scale and complex, large scale detectors as well as advanced computing technologies. The Higgs particle is believed to be the manifestation of the mechanism that gives mass to all fundamental particles. It has been sought for over 5 decades and has finally been discovered in 2012 at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at the European Laboratory for Nuclear and Particle Physics Research (CERN) near Geneva, Switzerland. Discovering such a particle is only the first step. Its properties must be fully understood through precision measurements. This, however, only helps understanding visible matters that make up 5% of the universe. The universe seems to be made of 25% dark matter and remaining 70% dark energy. Since all these processes occur rarely, it is essential for the experiments to collect large amount of data which must be analyzed in a timely fashion. Advanced computing technologies, such as high throughput computing grid, are essential in understanding the nature of the universe well. In this lecture, I will discuss the discovery of the Higgs particle at the LHC, progress in understanding its properties and a new frontier of accelerator-based experiments that could give much more controlled access to dark matter and the roles of the advanced computing technology in this endeavor.