WG1 periodic meeting



Minutes WG1 periodic meeting
Thursday 26 June 2020
10-15 people attending

# Vector boson fusion at multi-TeV colliders
Antonio Costantini

- Is it correct that Higgs production and WW production are dominating?

Yes, see page 18.

- did you check kinematic distributions as well for the processes you considered?

Yes, we have generated event for all processes. We chose to focus more on the physics reach of the collider rather than on the kinematic properties, because these are relatively known features.


# Confronting same-sign W-boson production with parton correlations
Tomas Kasemets

- Does your WWjj simulation include QCD+EW or only QCD?

We are not sure, but we used the default generation for this final state in Madgraph, so probably both.

- Why is ttbar listed as a background for ssWW?

ttbar is indeed a huge background despite having opposite sign W.
But the cross section is so large that it still contributes to same-sign, for instance with a mu+ from the W, one from B decay and a missed mu- from the other tbar.

In fact isolation plays an important role here because it has a large impact on boosted decay of the meson.


# QCD effects in Higgs production via VBF
Simon Plaetzer

- Is one of your main point that the only correct way to use showering for VBS in Pythia is to use the recoil scheme?

yes, this is what is seen and this is what is recommanded by Pythia authors.
For non VBF/VBS processes this should not be an issue but for VBF/VBS, it is very important.

- why is this only available in powheg?

because of on the matching.

- what if you change the color of the initial state (eg in double parton scattering), does it have a big impact?

Yes, defintely.
Colour connexion is very important in that respect.


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