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Neutron diffraction and inelastic scattering remain the pre-eminent tools to understand magnetic materials. This is principally due to the neutron magnetic spin that interacts directly with magnetic ions and the very low lying, in energy, magnetic excitations that neutron inelastic scattering are able to access. As a result, neutron scattering has unearthed a wealth of unusual magnetic states: from the hidden order of antiferromagnetism, and magnetic spiral structures, to ferroic materials, the magnetic state of which can be easily manipulated by an electric or magnetic field and are thus ripe for technological devices, and the complex states of matter found in frustrated magnetic materials in which analogues of magnetic monopoles have been uncovered.
To understand, and thus manipulate these materials, it is imperative to employ neutron scattering with adequate neutron flux and thus overcome the weak intrinsic interaction between matter and neutron. The European Spallation Source (ESS) is currently in construction and will be the world’s brightest neutron scattering research facility. I shall provide an overview of former magnetic neutron scattering experiments to highlight the strength of the technique and will thereafter provide an overview of some of the new instruments that are under construction at the ESS. It is expected that the new instruments will open a broader window into magnetism research and resolve many outstanding questions.