30th EAM User Meeting (general news, eamlight functionalities, BeamEX for CRYO and Pentaho reports)
A total of 70 people joined the Zoom meeting
Introduction (David):
- New IM group in EN department with two sections (AMM and PLM)
New features in eamLight (Goran):
- Story: top up oil on vacuum pump (HCPUMPA001-000001)
- New functionality on the equipment graph
- Units displayed for custom-fields
- Question about date column missing from work-order tab (system data-spy issue - ticket to be opened)
BEAMEX-EAM integration (T. Ytterdal - TE/CRG)
- Beamex - Finnish company providing instrument calibrators
- CMX: calibration management software systems
- Business Bridge (B3) - webservices allow data transferred to inforEAM (work-orders and PM schedules)
- Calibration certificate stored in EDMS
- Mentioned as good example of collaboration across several groups (EN-IM/TE-CRG)
Pentaho analyser (Fabio)
- Web application for easy-to-use analysis reports
- Start here: https://dir-eambi-prod.web.cern.ch/pentaho/Home
- Reports can be stored as favouries
- Bonus: reports available from inforEAM extended
- Question about data protection data from reports - sensitive information is protected
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