The events are the second and third in a series of meetings gathering scientists working on astroparticle physics, cosmology, gravitation, nuclear physics, and related fields. As in previous years, the meeting sessions will consist of invited and contributed talks and will cover recent developments in the following topics:
STARS2013 - New phenomena and new states of matter in the Universe, general relativity, gravitation, cosmology, heavy ion collisions and the formation of the quark-gluon plasma, white dwarfs, neutron stars and pulsars, black holes, gamma-ray emission in the Universe, high energy cosmic rays, gravitational waves, dark energy and dark matter, strange matter and strange stars, antimatter in the Universe, and topics related to these.
SMFNS2013 - Strong magnetic fields in the Universe, strong magnetic fields in compact stars and in galaxies, ultra-strong magnetic fields in neutron star mergers, quark stars and magnetars, strong magnetic fields and the cosmic microwave background, and topics related to these.
- Ricardo González Felipe (ISEL and CFTP/IST, Lisbon, Portugal) - Chair
- Aurora Pérez Martínez (ICIMAF, Havana, Cuba) - Vice-Chair
- Christian Motch (CNRS Observatoire Astronomique, Université de Strasbourg, France)
- Dimiter Hadjimichef (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil)
- German Lugones (Federal University of ABC, Santo André, Brazil)
- Luciano Rezzolla (Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Potsdam, Germany)
- Roberto A. Sussman (Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares ICN-UNAM, Mexico)
- Rodrigo Picanço Negreiros (Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil)
- Thomas Boller (Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik, Germany)
- Carola Dobrigkeit (UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil)
- César Zen Vasconcellos (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil)
- Constança Providência (Coimbra University, Portugal)
- David Blaschke (University of Wroclaw, Poland)
- Dany Page (Instituto de Astronomía – UNAM, Mexico)
- Débora Perez Menezes (Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil)
- Donald B. Melrose (University of Sydney, Australia)
- Félix Mirabel (Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, France and CONICET, Argentina)
- Fridolin Weber (San Diego State University, USA)
- Horst Stoecker (Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Germany)
- Hugo Pérez Rojas (ICIMAF, Havana, Cuba)
- Ignatios Antoniadis (CERN Theory Division, Geneva, Switzerland)
- Jörg Aichelin (Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et des Technologies Associées, France)
- Jorge Horvath (University of São Paulo, Brazil)
- José A. de Freitas Pacheco (Côte d'Azur Observatory, France)
- Manuel Malheiro (Instituto Tecnológico da Aeronáutica, São Paulo, Brazil)
- Peter Hess (Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares ICN-UNAM, Mexico)
- Renxin Xu (Peking University, China)
- Walter Greiner (Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Germany)
- Wolfgang Bauer (Michigan State University, USA)
- Aurora Pérez Martínez (ICIMAF, Havana, Cuba)
- Daryel Manreza Paret (ICIMAF, Havana, Cuba)
- Elizabeth Rodríguez Querts (ICIMAF, Havana, Cuba)