The plans to re-start the DOMA-BDT activity was presented, as well as the current topics of interest.
- Recommendation for stronger mandate (than just discussion forum)
- Strengthen the importance of establishing shared testing grounds (very useful in the pastduring DOMA-TPC)
- Suggestion to host DOMA-BDT on first Wednesday of the month, with an ad-hicoc on the third Wednesday
- Mihai: like the idea. "Definitive" slot remains to be negotiated with DOMA-General, then will be announced via the mailing list
- Should have storage participation involved: dCache, StoRM, EOS, CTA, XRootD
- The list of topics/tasks should be prioritized
- Mihai: Can offer to do this at the next DOMA-BDT. I'll reconfirm the list with you and prepare a presentation for next meeting
- Need to restart discussion on the WLCG Tape REST API. After running it in production, there are some issues/topics to address
- Mihai: Increasingly relevant also for the Token + Tape integration. But unclear if Tape REST API design discussion will be done here or in dedicated WLCG Tape REST API meetings
- What's the process to present a topic in DOMA-BDT? Would like to present a topic on HTTP-TPC transfer integrity.
- Mihai: You inform us a bit in advance and we can arrange it in one of the next meetings. I'll reserve it already for the next meeting. Once documentation is available, this will be described there
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