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4–6 Sept 2024
Physics Building
US/Pacific timezone

The IRIS-HEP software institute has recently completed its sxith year after being funded by the National Science Foundation. The goals of the retreat are to:

  1. Checkpoint the status of the IRIS-HEP efforts to date (Year 6 of the project)
  2. Clarify the gaps between where we are now and what will be needed for the HL-LHC startup 
  3. Update our plans for delivery of IRIS-HEP products to our partners (experiments, ops programs and the LHC and HEP community)
  4. Elaborate a vision for what IRIS-HEP can achieve in Year 7 and beyond.

The retreat will take place in Seattle, Washington on the University of Washington campus, in the Physics and Astoronmy Building A-wing (PAA) 114.

Although we will organize for remote participation, we believe that this kind of planning event really benefits from in-person participation so we hope to have a strong turnout in Seattle!

This event is being organized by the IRIS-HEP Software Institute, which is supported by National Science Foundation cooperative agreement PHY-2323298 and previously by cooperative agreement OAC-1836650.

Meeting Notes (Please help out if you are able!):

Physics Building
PAA 114
3910 15th Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98105, United States
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