Present: Horst, Mourad, Ghita
Main directions to go:
- Sections "Capacity in Africa" and "Challenges..." : some concepts and informations that are used in the first one are defined and explicited only after. (Ghita): Think on how to solve this, may be by inversing the order.
- Sections "Synergy with....": Mourad sees Quantum Computing and AI not as neighbouring fields but as disruptive technologies that are and will participate into the evolution of the Computing. Think on how to improve that.
- Section "Conclusions": Asking Horst and Mourad to read and check on the priorities that have been highlighted to see if something is missing.
- For Bryan: please convert all the information included in the comments of the overleaf into the core of the text.
We will try to make this in the next 2 weeks to allow for some global reading and editing afterwards.
Next general meeting on all the chapters is on the 28th of February. If needed we can set up short visios between us before.
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