The LHC Job Matching Event (JMEv) enables for recruiters and job seekers, who both work on a CERN experiment, to meet in moderated sessions so that job seekers can learn more about the vacancy and research group before they potentially go on to apply for the job.

There are a maximum of 8 job seekers per session, and they each get the chance to present themselves and their work in 3-minute-long flash presentations. After this, the rest of the session is dedicated to Q&A between the recruiter and job seekers.

During the day there are also motivational talks, which are also followed by Q&A. Aimed at those without a permanent position but open to all who currently work on a CERN experiment, the talks cover the speakers' career journeys as well as advice for anyone who wishes to pursue a career in high energy physics. Participants are allowed to join the motivational talks even if they do not participate in JMEv sessions.

The JMEv used to be an event organised by the CMS Young Scientists Committee and expanded in Spring 2023 to become an LHC Early Career Scientist Fora-wide event.

Previous events can be found here:

Categories in LHC Job Matching Event (JMEv)