Meeting between CERN and Primekss on R&D activities in FCC

4/3-004 - TH Discussion Room (CERN)

4/3-004 - TH Discussion Room


Show room on map

Dr. Rolands Cepurītis, Chief Technology Officer of the Latvian concrete technology company Primkess to meet with the HSE and SCE group leaders at CERN and to discuss potential R&D cooperation within the framework of FCC activities.

    • 15:30 15:35
      Introduction 5m
      Speaker: Ms Alise Pika-Ozola (Industrial Liaison Officer for Latvia)
    • 15:40 16:00
      Presentation from Primekss, Dr. Rolands Cepurītis (CTO) 20m

      Primekss Concrete R&D center collaboration with Institute of Chemical Physics at University of Latvia: Tritiated water (HTO) and concrete interaction.

    • 15:55 16:35
      Discussion with HSE and SCE groups 40m
      Speakers: Benoit Delille (CERN), Timothy Paul Watson (CERN)