A working group to address two topics in the area of container registries in preparation for the HL-LHC.

  • Plan and test the scalability of container registry usage within WLCG:
    • The registry service should be able to handle the required scale in number and size of images, as well as throughput for pushing and pulling image artefacts
    • For an estimate of scaling targets, ATLAS suggests 20TB and order of 10k images
  • Develop a pilot for a container registry serving a distributed computing infrastructure with cache replicas at multiple locations:
    • It should include, at least, a main replica at CERN with external caches but part of the WLCG infrastructure (i.e. US/BNL and others)
    • The pilot should build on CVMFS and in particular the previous efforts on integration the Harbor registry at CERN with unpacked CVMFS

RCS-IT: Container Registry WG agenda and minutes

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