Discussion CLICdp tasks => submissions for ESPP update 2025


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Meeting ID: 845 7573 4914
Passcode: 3141


A few notes/conclusions on the meeting of Feb 14:

Running at the Z-peak: we recommend to mention it as a "technical feasibility, not part of the CLIC baseline".

Background to this: Running at the Z-peak in a dedicated run (Lumi ~0.36*10^34 cm-2s-1) can be interesting for a number of SM parameters. However, running at the Z-peak with the 380 GeV machine will not give any significant improvement with respect to "LEP plus HL-LHC" data. However, yearly short runs at the Z-peak have some interest for calibration purposes (e.g. track-momentum scale).

First glance at how to use the 3 CLICdp pages in the CLIC submission:

  • 1 page for Higgs couplings, including the plots for the couplings at 100 Hz and at the 3 energies for model dependent and independent (=> Philipp)
  • 1 page for other physics subjects, e.g. HH, top physics and BSM (=> Aidan and Philipp)
  • 1 page on update on experimental conditions with new accelerator parameters and on detector technologies (emphasising on a mature concept, many things already mature at previous strategy, recent progress on detector technologies). Dominik is writing a summary on detector technology progress (pixel/tracker); this will be compactified for the submission page, while the longer text will go in a CLICdp note or in an appexdix of the CLIC submission. Calo progress, mainly CMS HGCal based, will be added accordingly (Lucie/Eva). Comments on detector occupancies in preparation by Andre. TDAQ comments will follow (Dominik).


Next meetings:

24/2 at 16 hrs:   experimental conditions, dtector technology progress, etc

7/3 at 16 hrs:  physics




There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 16:00 16:10
      Minutes of last meeting and some follow up 10m
    • 16:10 16:20
    • 16:25 16:35
    • 16:35 16:40
      CLICdp note started 5m
      Speaker: Aidan Robson (University of Glasgow (GB))
    • 16:40 16:45
      PPG detector instrumentation questions (for info) 5m
      Speaker: Aidan Robson (University of Glasgow (GB))

      Here is what the PPG has requested on detectors/instrumentation.

      Clarification on intention of questions:
      - We would like to get an impression of performance, maturity and time lines of projects.
      - We would like to further develop the landscape of strategic detector R&D and its interface to experiment-specific work, with the ECFA Detector Roadmap as the starting point.
      - We do not intend to perform reviews or comparisons of full collider detector concepts.

      The PPG requests that the following information and/or specifications (instead of “benchmarks”) be given for each proposal submitted to the ESPPU dealing with detector instrumentation.

      Each project, be it on individual detection technologies or on devices/systems (tracker, calorimeter,...), should address the following points
      • What are the key performance indicators (KPIs) of your technology and which performance does your technology achieve in terms of these KPIs?
      • What is the current technology readiness level (TRL, in the spirit of ISO norm 16290:2013) of your technology? How do you expect the technology to scale from lab prototypes to full detector systems (concerning mechanical integration, powering, cooling, readout)? If applicable: please start from the assessment by the ECFA detector roadmap and report updates. • What are status and time scales for the project? At which point in time have you achieved or do you intend to achieve: proof of principle, concept validation (by full simulation), initial prototype, lab test, beam test, “slice” of full system, full system? Cover hardware, software and firmware aspects.
      • Which DRD collaboration(s) are the most relevant to your technology? Is your technology already covered in one or more of them?
      • What is the environmental impact of your technology/device/system and which measures are taken to reduce it?

    • 16:45 17:00
      Discussion 15m