- CHEP paper latest draft TBD
- https://www.overleaf.com/read/jwwxfcqcpqqs#3ae27b (view-only, editor link sent by e-mail)
- Copyright: https://www.epj-conferences.org/doc_journal/woc/publication_right_form.pdf
- Guidelines: https://www.epj-conferences.org/doc_journal/woc/epjconf_editorial_guidelines.pdf
- Meeting with GEANT operations (to be scheduled)
- IETF call to be scheduled
- Missing Kafka input/output plugin (A: Andy Lake)
- Worked on setting up registry API not hosted by github (to avoid limits), to start global configuration of all storages we need reliable hosting
- Got one running at CERN via gitlab hosting: https://scitags.docs.cern.ch/api.json (needs some further testing; will also try hosting via EOS)
- Code is at: https://gitlab.cern.ch/scitags/docs
- Once done, we will udpate redirect for http://api.scitags.org
dCache Meeting
- Agreed to follow up with in-person meeting on 10th of March
- flowd-go evaluation/review (A: Marian, Tristan)
- XRootD workflow works fine
- StoRM workflow was evaluated by Luca, TBD
RNTWG Pacing:
- Jumbo frames testing was discussed at WLCG DOMA general meeting: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1511535/