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A lecture is a simple event to announce a talk.
Features: poster creation, participant management, ...
A meeting is an event that defines an agenda with multiple talks.
Features: timetable, minutes, poster creation, participants management, ...
A conference is a complex event with features to manage the whole life cycle of a conference.
Features: call for abstracts, registration, e-payment, timetable, badges creation, paper reviewing,...
Chairs: R. Heuer (CERN), J. Siegrist (DoE)
Scientific Secretary: R. Voss (CERN)
S. Bertolucci (CERN)
S. Gonzalez (NSF)
J.-P. Koutchouk (CERN)
S. Myers (CERN)
F. Pauss (CERN)
M. Procario (DoE)
R. Ruchti (NSF)