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Steven Worm

The Search for Dark Matter at the LHC

by Steven Worm (STFC - Rutherford Appleton Lab. (GB))

WH11NE - Sunrise (Fermilab - LPC)

WH11NE - Sunrise

Fermilab - LPC

Abstract: The detection and explanation of Dark Matter is one of the most pressing challenges for particle physics in the coming years. With the Large Hadron Collider, we have a new tool for the search-- perhaps we can we make Dark Matter at the LHC, and study it in the lab? I will present the results of searches for Dark Matter and other new physics, performed using data collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC in pp-collisions. Searches are performed in hadronic final states with jets and missing transverse energy (e.g. monojets) and also in final states with one or more leptons or photons. I will discuss the techniques used to search for Dark Matter, the tools for interpretation of the results, and also the prospects for adapting these procedures to other searches for new particles.