CERN Lattice Coffee

Solution of the strong CP problem within QCD using the gradient flow

by Gerrit Schierholz (DESY)


The strong CP problem is inseparably connected with the topology of gauge fields and the mechanism of color confinement, which requires nonperturbative tools to solve it. In this talk I present results of a recent lattice investigation of QCD with the $\theta$ term. The tool I am using to address the nonperturbative side of the problem is the gradient flow, which is a particular realization of momentum space RG transformations. The novel result is that within QCD the vacuum angle $\theta$ is renormalized in the IR, in combination with the strong coupling constant, and flows to $\theta = 0$ in the IR limit. This means that CP is conserved in the strong interactions. The Peccei-Quinn solution of the problem is commented.

Lattice seminars
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Elena Gianolio
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Matteo Di Carlo, Tobias Tsang, Pascal Pignereau, Mattia Dallabrida, Felix Benjamin Erben, Andreas Juttner, Simon Kuberski
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