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A&T Seminar

Fukushima-Daiichi NPP accident - Internal & external exposure of Fukushima citizens

by Prof. Ryugo Hayano (University of Tokyo (JP))

30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium (CERN)

30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium


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The Fukushima Daiichi NPP accident of March 2011 heavily contaminated the Fukushima soils by radioactive cesium. Past experience shows that people living in such regions become internally contaminated due to cesium ingestion, and hence we must take all necessary measures to reduce the risks to people. In order to clarify the situation, I proposed in the summer of 2011 to measure the cesium concentrations of school lunch. The project is now funded by the ministry of education, and has shown that school lunch served in Fukushima (and elsewhere) is practically cesium free. I am also helping several hospitals in Fukushima in assessing the 134Cs & 137Cs body burdens with whole-body counters. We have so far measured some 50,000 people, and have shown (quite surprisingly) that >99% of Fukushima citizens have no detectable-level of radioactive cesium in their bodies. In the seminar, I will briefly discuss the sequence of events following the earthquake, various monitoring results, food screening procedures and results, followed by a preliminary estimate of radiation doses to the public. Coffee / tea will be served after the seminar ATS Seminars Organisers: H. Burkhardt (BE) T. Stora (EN), G. De Rijk (TE)