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CERN Computing Seminar

Ceph, a distributed storage system for scientific computing

by Sage Weil (Inktank)

31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre (CERN)

31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre


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Ceph is a distributed storage system designed to providing high performance and reliability at scales of up to thousands of storage nodes. The system is based on a distributed object storage layer call RADOS that provides durability, availability, efficient data distribution, and rich object semantics. This storage can be consumed directly via an object-based interface, or via file, block, or REST-based object services that are built on top of it. Clusters are composed of commodity components to provide a reliable storage service serving multiple use-cases. This seminar will cover the basic architecture of Ceph, with a focus on how each service can be consumed in a research and infrastructure environment.

About the speaker

Sage Weil, Founder and current CTO of Inktank Inc, is the creator of the Ceph project. He originally designed it as part of his PhD research in Storage Systems at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Since graduating, he has continued to refine the system with the goal of providing a stable next generation distributed storage system for Linux. Sage is a co-founder of DreamHost and as a teenager he created and sold WebRing.

Organised by: Arne Wiebalck, Dan Van Der Ster and Miguel Angel Marquina
Computing Seminars /IT Department

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