Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

     A special Event: “90 Years Anniversary of Georges Charpak Birth (Bringing Nations Together Through Science)“ is organized in the framework of the Trans-European School of High Energy Physics (TESHEP) school by the French Embassy in Ukraine, European Union / Science and Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU), LAL/IN2P3-CNRS, IRFU/CEA Saclay, CERN, RD51 collaboration, Ukrainian State Agency on Science, Innovation and Informatization and Lviv Polytechnic University.

    Georges Charpak was a brilliant instrumentation physicist and a pioneer in the art and science of particle detection. He developed a host of particle detectors used throughout experimental particle physics. In 1968, he invented and developed the first Multi-Wire Proportional Chamber, for which he won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1992.

     "PHYSICS WITHOUT BORDERS": Georges Charpak was involved in many social, educational and humanitarian activities. He has founded on 1992 the scientific and peaceful organization “Physique Sans Frontiers” and supported the effort of the association to set up the “Four-Seas-Conference”. The first conference, which took place in Trieste in 1995, was a real success, despite the renewed war in Bosnia; all the countries of the Balkanic area were represented, despite the existing state of war between some of them.

    In 2014, CERN is celebrating “60 Years of Science for Peace”! In a particularly fragile time for the Ukraine, physicists from France, Ukraine, Poland and CERN get together in Lviv, Ukraine in memory of Georges Charpak personality, continuing his scientific and cultural traditions.

The scientific program of the Charpak event can be upaloded from: poster, pdf-file.

Lviv Polytechnic University, Lviv, Ukraine