Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

16 November 2019
UC Davis
US/Pacific timezone

A forum for northern Californian experimental high energy physics students and postdocs to share work in progress. This third annual gathering will be hosted at  University of California, Davis on Saturday, 16 November. In addition to opportunities for discussion during coffee breaks and at lunch, we will have three categories of talks with varying lengths:

  • Students who are nearing the end of the their PhD or new postdocs are encouraged to present their thesis work in a longer format.
  • Updates on work in progress -- analysis, hardware, software
  • 'Lightning round' that will have very short presentations in order to generate interest and discussion.

Please join our mailing list for future events!  

Last year's event:

2017 event:


UC Davis
Roessler 55
The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.
Registration for this event is currently open.