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CTA deployment meeting

600/R-001 (CERN)



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Michael Davis (CERN)
    • 14:00 14:10
      ATLAS Update 10m
      • Migration debrief after Eric/Giuseppe back from holiday
      • 170 TB still accounted to ATLAS in CASTOR
      • 20 July write test 1 PB
      • Steps to get everyone involved in CTA operations (documentation, monitoring, rota, ...)
    • 14:10 14:20
      Monitoring Update 10m

      Data Volume dashboard: solution for "Group by Month" issue

      • ElasticSearch is better for the "data accounting" use case. Data can be preserved indefinitely.
      • The Python script that combines both datasets should write the data to the monit-metrics JSON endpoint
      • On top if you also want to keep writing the data into IDB it's fine (at the same time you send it to monit)
      • That way we can store this new dataset, which I believe will come with the type: "daily_datavolume_castor_cta" in ES for long-term storage, and import the historical data from IDB.


      • David has produced some initial documentation
      • Give feedback to iteratively improve it
    • 14:20 14:30
      ALICE 10m
      • Schedule to get ALICE into production: main agenda item for next week
      • What is the next step?
    • 14:30 14:40
      Schedule for migrating other LHC Experiments 10m



      • Dataflow test "beginning of next year"
      • Would like to have CTA migration done before this test.
      • Suggestion: now until Sept.: integration with Dirac, functional tests. Oct/Nov: commissioning tests. Jan: migration
    • 14:40 14:50
      Non-LHC Experiments 10m
      • NA62: We are eager to test the NA62 DAQ system with a CTA endpoint as soon as possible. (They use FTS).
      • Vova starts 1 August.
    • 14:50 15:00
      External Sites 10m
      • We were getting an increasing number of e-mail requests from external sites including RAL and AARNET.
      • Julien created CTA Community site so we don't get individually e-mailed and don't have to keep re-answering the same questions. 12 people signed up, 6 non-CERN from RAL, AARNet and Tao Lin. Low traffic (so far!).
      • How can people submit documentation?
      • How can people submit issues?
      • How can people submit code/bug fixes?
    • 15:00 15:10
      RAO for LTO 10m
      • Integrating Paul's work
      • Get something simple into CTA that is better than linear ordering. Then we can iteratively improve it as needed.
      • The idea is to have a configurable runtime option to allow us to select different RAO approaches ("linear order" as default) so we can test them during commissioning tests.
      • Only solutions proven to work will be deployed in production.
    • 15:10 15:15
      AOB 5m

      Cleaning up

      • Documentation
      • e-groups
      • Log formats