25–27 Sept 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone

This training even will introduce the Julia programming language to new users (assuming at least Python experience). Julia is as easy to use as Python, but as fast as C/C++, making it ideal for the demands of HEP, hence growing interest in Julia for HEP.

JuliaHEP Logo

The event will be organised over three days and will build up your knowlege such that you will be able to perform HEP analysis tasks in Julia by the end of the training.

  • Day 1 - Julia basics
  • Day 2 - Highlights of the Julia ecosystem
  • Day 3 - HEP tasks and analysis in Julia


The training will involve some lectures and demonstrations, with plenty of time for hands-on work by participants. Please bring your own laptop to work on!

This Julia training is organised by the HEP Software Foundation JuliaHEP group.

HEP Software Foundation Logo
